Prenatal and Postpartum Care In Portland

Our team of physical therapists possesses specialized, advanced training in managing musculoskeletal issues that may cause pain and dysfunction during both pregnancy and postpartum.

Pregnancy brings about physical and hormonal changes that can impact the musculoskeletal system, including altered posture, shortened muscles, possible muscle imbalances, and changes in spinal mobility and bone alignment.

Similarly, the postpartum phase can lead to musculoskeletal concerns due to fluctuating hormone levels and physical changes caused by delivery, such as excessive joint mobility, potential muscle imbalances, weakness in core stabilizing muscles, and disrupted spinal mobility and function.

Benefits of Prenatal and Postpartum Physical Therapy in Portland

The aim of physical therapy during pregnancy and postpartum is to tackle spinal and pelvic joint dysfunction, provide exercises to address muscle weakness and imbalances, and give guidance on modifying daily activities that may be challenging during these phases of life.

The treatment options depend on the individual condition and may include:

  • Muscle energy techniques to realign the pelvic girdle joints and lower back
  • Gentle joint mobilization and soft tissue mobilization during prenatal period
  • Postpartum phase may involve internal/external soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, scar mobilization, and visceral mobilization
  • Neuromuscular re-education, coordination, and strength training for pelvic floor muscles
  • Lumbopelvic stabilization exercises and core strengthening program
  • Strengthening of postural muscles
  • Correction of diastasis recti
  • Education on optimal body mechanics
  • Modalities, such as moist heat, cold therapy, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound, as appropriate based on prenatal/postpartum status
  • Fitting and use of pregnancy support belt
  • Self-management strategies to efficiently transition to home-based program

Physical Therapy During Pregnancy

If you suffer from activity intolerance, pain, weakness, or core instability during pregnancy, consider seeking the advice of your OB-GYN about participating in a prenatal physical therapy program. The majority of physical discomfort experienced during pregnancy can be alleviated through techniques such as body mechanics training, relaxation techniques, manual therapy, therapeutic taping, stretching, and strengthening exercises, which focus on accommodating anticipated changes in posture during pregnancy. The Prenatal/Postpartum Health Program at Memorial Hermann can support you throughout your pregnancy and bring relief.

Advantages of Physical Therapy During Pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are concerned about ensuring a smooth pregnancy and delivery, while others may experience the following conditions and benefit from prenatal physical therapy:

  • Improved joint mobility
  • Correction of muscle imbalance
  • Improved body balance
  • Better postural alignment
  • Greater relaxation
  • Stress relief

Physical Therapy After Pregnancy in Portland

Whether you have recently given birth or are a seasoned mother, if you are struggling with pain or difficulty in performing daily activities or experiencing changes that were not present during pregnancy, it may be time to consult with your doctor about a postpartum physical therapy program. A physical therapy plan that includes proper exercise and stretching can alleviate the conditions you are experiencing. Relief does not always require surgery or medication, and the experienced physical therapists at Memorial Hermann can help you determine if a postpartum physical therapy program is the right solution for you.

Changes After Childbirth

After giving birth, you may start to notice pain in areas where you have never experienced it before, especially in your core and pelvic floor. Sitting may become uncomfortable, or you may experience muscle spasms or cramping. If you underwent an instrumented birth, you may be dealing with a temporary nerve injury, and if you had a C-section, you may feel pain and discomfort where your belly folds over the incision. These changes can occur immediately after childbirth or even years later.

Physical Therapy Benefits After Childbirth

Physical therapy can provide relief from pain and stress after childbirth. Your core and pelvic floor muscles may have been weakened during pregnancy and childbirth, and physical therapy can help strengthen these areas and retrain muscles that have moved or nerves that have been damaged during labor. If your tailbone was impacted during childbirth, physical therapy can help you sit comfortably again. Physical therapy can also help to properly and comfortably retrain scar tissue after a C-section.

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Holly R.

“I cannot recommend this physical therapy clinic enough. I first started seeing Candis and Sue in March 2020 for chronic pain. Between fascia work, electro current therapy, and exercises, their skills and care have changed my life. I’m the kind of person who wants to understand the nitty gritty of what’s going on with my pain/body, and know what purpose certain treatments and exercises have in aiding my healing. These ladies have helped me understand so much about my body, helping me gain agency with my pain management. They’re great listeners, communicators, and often know what my body needs before I do. I haven’t been a patient in nearly a year now and I miss them dearly, but I still use the skills they taught me every day.”

Tim S

“My experience with PT 360 was awesome. My therapist, Gavin, is knowledgeable, personable and knows exactly what regimens are necessary to restore comfort and healing. I would recommend PT 360 without hesitation.